Dental Implants in Colindale, London

How to replace missing teeth in Colindale

If your teeth are in very bad condition, or perhaps you have several teeth missing, you may feel self-conscious and embarrassed. Replacing your failing teeth or replacing the missing teeth in your mouth not only makes you look and feel better, but it can protect the health of any other teeth too.

There are 2 options to replace missing or failing teeth:

  1. Have a dental implant fitted
  2. Wear dentures

Dental implants are the only natural and permanent way to replace missing or failing teeth. Dental implants are made up of 3 parts: The implant, which acts as your replacement tooth root, is gently inserted into your gum and jawbone. A rod is then inserted into this implant, which holds the final piece—the crown—in place. The crown acts as your new replacement tooth, and this is what is visible in your mouth.

There are 2 types of dental implants:

  1. Single dental implant, which is used to replace one missing tooth. This would be suitable if you have one or maybe two missing teeth.
  2. If you have several missing teeth, or if most of your teeth are failing, or if you have no teeth at all, then you might be more suitable for all-on-4 dental implants. All-on-4 dental implants use just 4 dental implants to support a full set of new permanent teeth.


Book a consultation to find out which option is best for you.

Book Your Free Dental Implant Consultation With Us

Benefits of Dental Implants

Benefits of having dental implants fitted at COCO Dental include:

  • Your missing or failing teeth will be replaced with new-looking teeth and will boost your confidence
  • Replacing your gaps or failing teeth will protect the health of any other teeth that you have
  • With dental implants, you can eat all your favourite foods, smile and carry on life as usual
  • You don’t have to worry about wearing uncomfortable dentures; dental implants are fitted to be permanent
  • You can smile and talk as usual with dental implants!

What are dental crowns and how do they differ from dental implants?

The crown refers to the top part of the tooth, which is visible in your mouth. If you have a tooth that is cracked, worn down, fractured, or badly decayed, a new dental crown can be used to repair it. The main difference from dental implants is that a dental implant is used to replace your complete tooth, including the root. A dental crown simply replaces the top part of the tooth.

Dental crowns are usually made from porcelain and are matched to the natural colour of your teeth.

The process of fitting a dental crown is quite easy but may require two appointments. First, your tooth is prepared for your new crown. This usually involves cleaning and shaping your existing tooth. Then an impression will be taken of your tooth so that a custom-made crown can be made to fit. At this stage, you may be fitted with a temporary crown while your final crown is being made.

At your next appointment, your new dental crown will be fitted into place. A dental crown should last for many years, provided that you have good oral hygiene in place.

Frequently Asked Questions about Dental Implants

Can anyone have dental implants?
Dental implants are suitable for most people who have lost a tooth or are missing several teeth. There is no age limit to having dental implants fitted. The occasions when we find that dental implants are not suitable for a patient are mostly due to the medical health of the patient is not good or the jawbone of the patient is not strong enough to tolerate dental implants.
Are dental implants painful?
The procedure for dental implants does involve a surgical procedure and therefore you may experience soreness or discomfort after the process. Pain is kept to a minimum during the procedure because a local anaesthetic is administered. If you experience discomfort in the few days after the dental implants have been fitted, you can take paracetamol or painkillers to help. You should experience no pain or discomfort after the initial few days of having a dental implant fitted.
Which is best – dental implants or dentures?
There is no right or wrong answer to this question and only you can decide which option is right for you. Dentures are a less expensive form of treatment, but dental implants are permanent and with good care and attention will last a lifetime.

Cost of Dental Implants: Making Dental Implants Affordable at coco dental

Dental Implant Consultation

Treatment Fee
Initial Consultation (Dental check-up (£30) required before consultation) Free
Cone Beam CT (3D Xray) One arch £150.00
Cone Beam CT (3D Xray) Two arches £200.00


Dental Implants Single

Treatment Fee
Dental Implant Package (CBCT Scan + Surgistent + Implant with Crown) £2600.00


Dental Implants Full Arch

Treatment Value
Replace Full Arch with 2/4 Implants & Overdenture* *Based on Consultation
Replace Full Arch with 4 Implants & Overdenture* *Based on Consultation


Dental Implants with Bridge

Treatment Fee
Replace 3 Teeth with 2 Implants and Bridge* *Based on Consultation
Replace 4 Teeth with 2 Implants and Bridge* *Based on Consultation
Replace 4 Teeth with 3 Implants and Bridge* *Based on Consultation
Replace 5 Teeth with 3 Implants and Bridge* *Based on Consultation


Why Choose Coco Dental Dental Implants

  • Friendly, professional & welcoming team
  • Flexible appointment times
  • Interest Free Finance to help spread the cost

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